LETHBRIDGE, Roper. Plymouth 23.12.1840 — Okehampton or Exbourne, Devon 15.2.1919. Sir. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Ebenezer L. and Caroline Elizabeth Cridland, educated at Plymouth and Mannamead College. Studies at Exeter College in Oxford. In 1868-76 served in Bengal Educational Department and in 1877-80 as Press Commissioner in Political Department. In 1871-78 editor of the Calcutta Review. Fellow of the Calcutta University. Returned to England, he was called to the bar at the Inner Temple in 1880. In 1885 and 1886 M.P. for North Kensington (Conservative). Retired in 1892. C.I.E. 1878, K.B. 1885, K.C.I.E. 1890. Married 1865 Eliza Finlay (d. 1895) and 1897 Emma Burridge (née Neave), two sons and one daughter from the first marriage.
Publications: History of India. L. 1875, rev. ed. 8+207 p. 1893; A Short Manual of the History of India. 7+334 p. L. 1881.
– The Golden Book of India, a genealogical and biographical dictionary of the ruling princes, chiefs, nobles, and other personages, titled or decorated, of the Indian Empire. 584 p. L. 1893, new ed. 20+366 p. L. 1900.
– Several educational works for use in India; articles.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia; ancestry.com.
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