LEUMANN, Manu. Strassburg 6.10.1889 — Zürich 15.7.1977. Swiss Indo-Iranian Linguist and Classical Philologist. Son of —> Ernst Leumann (1859–1931) and Gertrud Siegemund. Matriculated from Protestant Gymnasium in Strassburg, studies at Strassburg, Göttingen and Berlin under F. C. Andreas, W. Schulze, Wackernagel, Wilamowitz-Möllendorf et al. Ph.D. 1914 Strassburg (under Thumb). Served in WW I. From 1919 Assistant of Thesaurus linguae Latinae in Munich, from 1922 its Redaktor and PD for IE at Munich University. In 1927 succeeded Schwyzer as ord. Professor of “indogermanische Sprachvergleichung, verwandte Disziplinen der klassischen Philologie und Sanskrit” at Zürich. In 1959 emeritus. Being in good health he worked until his death in advanced age. Hon. dr. 1956 Utrecht, 1972 Fribourg. Married 1934 Ella Nap (b. 1900), one daughter and one son.

M. Leumann was mainly a Latin scholar, who did his main work editing the massive Thesaurus linguae Latinae (in 1949-58 as President of its editorial committee) and founded a school in Zürich. As Professor, he also taught, beside Abegg, Sanskrit, MIA (even Apabhraṁśa) and Iranian. He edited his father’s posthumous Saka edition contributing himself the introduction and glossary, and was later, too, interested in Khotanese Saka. He made profound work on Sanskrit verbal system, but was not much working on comparative IE linguistics. Among his students were H. Frei, E. Risch, M. Scheller, H. Seiler, H. Wagner, and R. Werner.

Publications: Diss. publ. Die lateinischen Adjektiva auf -lis. 136 p. Strassburg  1917.

Edited: E. Leumann: Das nordarische (sakische) Lehrgedicht des Buddhismus. 1–3. 39+530 p. A.K.M. 20:1-3. Lp. 1934-36; Sakische Handschriftproben. 27 p. 17 pl. Zürich 1934.

– “Der altindische Typus kṛtavān”, Mélanges Pedersen 1937, 115-124; “Zur Stammbildung der Verben im Altindischen”, IF 57, 1940, 205.238; “Idg. sk’ im Altindischen und im Litauischen”, IF 58, 1941, 1-26 & 113-130.

Morphologische Neuerungen im altindischen Verbalsystem. 51 p. MKNAW n.r. 15:3. Amsterdam 1952.

– “Der indoiranische Bildnergott Twarštar”, As.St./Ét.as. 8, 1954, 79-84.

– “Der altindische kausative Aorist ajījanat”, W. N. Brown Vol. 1962, 152-159; “Merkmale des Sanskrit als Brahmanensprache und als Kunstsprache”, As.St./Ét. as. 18-19, 1965, 207-215; “Zu den lautlichen Fernwirkungen im Altindischen”, Pratidānam … Kuiper 1968, 53-59; “Über u- und yu-Adjektive des Altindischen”, Mélanges Renou 1968, 467-478.

– “Zur altkhotanesischen Metrik”, As.St./Ét.as. 25, 1971, 456-480; on Khotanese also in ZDMG 113, 1963, 80-86 and 117, 1967, 366-375.

Homerische Wörter. 12+360 p. Basel 1950; and other works on classical languages.

Lateinische Laut- und Formenlehre. 27+681 p. Hb. d. Altertumswiss. II:2:1. Munich 1977.

Kleine Schriften. Zürich & St. 1959.

Sources: *D. Cherubim, Lex. gramm. 1996, 567f.; *J. Filliozat, CRAI 1978, 75; *B. Forssmann, Gnomon 49, 1977, 830–832 with photo; J. Gonda, Jaarboek K.N.A.W. 1977, 218-222; H. Haffter, N.D.B. 14; E. Risch, As.St./Ét.as. 12, 1959, 1–4 & *Kratylos 23, 1978, 213–219; R. Wachter in WebHistLexSchweiz; briefly D.B.E. 6, 1997, 353; German Wikipedia; photo in Sardesai.

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