WALKER, Alexander. Collessie, Fife 12.5.1764 — Edinburgh 5.4.1831. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Eldest son of Rev. William Walker (1736–1771) of Church of Scotland, and Margaret Manderston (1728–1810), the father died when the boy was seven. Education and studies at St.Andrews. E.I.C.’s cadet 1780, served in Bombay. In 1785 participated in an expedition to the northwest coast of America. Lietenant 1788, in 1802 Resident in Baroda. Lieutenant-Colonel 1808, 1810 returned to U.K., 1812 retired to Scotland. In 1822 called back to service as Brigadier-General and became the Governor of St.Helena, retired little before his death. Married 1812 Barbara Montgomery (1770–1831), two sons.
Both in India and in Canada Walker was a keen observer of local habits and achieved a large collection of Arabic, Persian, and Sanskrit manuscripts, then presented by his son to Bodleian Library.
Publications: Probably nothing.
Sources: J.M. Bumsted, Dict. of Canadian Biogr. 6, 1821-35 in biographi.ca with portrait; E.I.C[arlyle’, D.N.B. 59, 1899, 42f.; WikiTree; A. Weber, “Ueber die Walkersche Sanscrit-Handschriften-Sammlung in Oxford”, ZDMG 2, 1848, 336-343.
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