LEWIS, Frederick

LEWIS, Frederick. 1836? — 1930?. Britishman in Sri Lanka. Among stray sources in Internet, one claims he was born in Manchester 1836 and went to Ceylon after 1861, another (www.shakariconnection.com/ceylon-hunting-books.html) that he was born there of English parents and became a tea and rubber planter. Once he is called Assistant Conservator of Forests in Ceylon.

Publications: “Notes on an exploration in Eastern Uva, and Southern Panama Pattu” JRAS-CB 23:67, 1914 (1916), 276-293, 10 pl. (on archaeological remains and on the Veddas); “Note on a few words in the Vedda Language”, JRAS-CB 33:88, 1935, 159-164.

– “Johnston’s Expedition to Kandy in 1804”, JRAS-CB 30:78, 1925, 43-64.

Sixty-four years in Ceylon: Reminiscences of Life and Adventure. 506 p. Colombo 1926.

– Also wrote on Sri Lankan nature

Sources: Australian National Library Catalogue gives 1857–1930 as his life time (then 64 years in Sri Lanka apparently means that he was born there); stray notes in Internet offer even more incompatible hints.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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