LEWIS, John Penry. Galway, Ireland 1854 (hardly 1851) — Dorset 29.9.1923. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of John Lewis and Sarah Scott. After school in Middlesex, studies at Queen’s University in Belfast (B.A. 1876, M.A. 1882). In 1877 joined Ceylon Civil Service, served in revenue and judicial departments. Government Agent of Northern Province, then of Central Province (Kandy). Retired and returned to the U.K. in 1910 or 1912. In retirement continued his studies on Ceylonese history. Married Violet Anderson (1872–1953), four children. His name is quoted both as John P. Lewis and J. Penry Lewis.
Publications: 11 articles in JRAS-CB: “The Language of the Threshing-floor”, 8:29, 1884 (1886), 237-270; “Tamil Customs and Ceremonies connected with Paddy Cultivation in Jaffna District”, ibid. 304-333; “Note on the ‘Hil-pẹn-kandura’ at Kandy”, 10:35, 1887, 120-122, 1 pl.; “Buddhist Ruins near Vavuṇiya”, 12:42, 1891, 111f.; “Archaeology of the Waṇṇi”, 13:45, 1894, 151-178; “Place Names in Vaṇṇi”, 14:47, 1896, 203-222; “Reland on Malay, Siṇhalese, and Tamil”, 14:47, 1896, 223-236; “Portuguese Inscriptions in Ceylon”, 18:55, 1904, 350-378; “Andrew’s Embassies to Kandy in 1795 and 1796”, 26:70-2, 1918, 49-100; 70-3, 1918, 115-155; 70-4, 1918, 172-229; 26:71-1, 1918, 6-52; also wrote to The Orientalist and CALR.
– Manual of the Vaṇṇi, Vavuṇiya and Mullaitivu Districts of Northern Province. 6+335 p. Colombo 1895.
– “Dutch Architecture in Ceylon”, Architectural Review 12, 1902 & 15, 1905.
– List of inscriptions on tombstones and monuments in Ceylon, of historical or local interest, with an obituary of persons uncommemorated. 10+462 p. Colombo 1913.
Sources: J.R. Toussaint, Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon 23, 1934, 135f. with poor photo; Twentieth Century Impressions of Ceylon. L. 1907, p. 96; death noted in JRAS-CB 29:77, 1924; wife in ancestry.com.
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