LEWY, Ernst

LEWY, Ernst. Breslau 19.2.1881 (or 19.9.?) — Dublin 25.9.1966. German Jewish Linguist in Ireland. Irish citizen. Son of Jakob Lewy, a merchant, and Julie Bielschowsky. After school in Breslau studied at Breslau (also Sanskrit with Hillebrandt), Munich, Leipzig and Berlin (Finck). Ph.D. 1904 Breslau, then moved to Berlin. PD 1910 Berlin. In 1907–08 in Hungary, in 1914 in Finland. From 1915 worked at Berlin University, from 1925 as ao. Professor of Hungarian. In 1933 dismissed as Jew, later taken back, but finally fired 1935. From 1937 lived in Ireland, from 1939 working in Irish Academy and at University College, Dublin. From 1947 Professor of Linguistics, Dublin. Mainly concentrated on Finno-Ugrian studies, but also wrote on Celtic, Basque, Caucasian and Australian languages. Married 1909 Hedwig Ludwig, one daughter, one son.

Publications: Diss. Die altpreußischen Personennamen. 72 p. Breslau 1904; habil.diss. Zur finnisch-ugrischen Wort- und Satzverbindung. 106 p. Göttingen 1910.

Wrote also on Indo-Iranian questions in the 1920s.

Numerous articles; Kleine Schriften. 15+759 p. B. 1961.

Sources: G. Holfter, D.I.B. 11, 2018, 610f.; J. Knobloch, N.D.B. 14, 1985, 418f.; German Wikipedia; U. Maas in https://zflprojekte.de/sprachforscher-im-exil/index.php/catalog/l/317-lewy-ernst.

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