LEYEN, Friedrich Gustav von der. Bremen 19.8.1873 — Kirchseeon bei München 8.6.1966. German Germanist and Scholar of Folk Literature and Narrative Traditions. Son of Alfred von der Leyen (1844–1934, lawyer and official) and Luise Kapp (1852–1908). After gymnasium in Berlin studies at Marburg, Leipzig and Berlin. Ph.D. 1894 Berlin, in Old German literature. PD 1899 Munich, also worked as author and journalist. From 1906 apl. ao. Professor at Munich, from 1920 Professor of Germanic at the new university of Köln. Forced by Nazis to retire in 1937 returned to Munich. As Honorarprofessor taught at Köln in 1946-47 and Munich 1947-53. Visiting Professor at Yale 1913-14, Stanford 1919 and 1932, and Harvard 1931-32. Married 1901 Helene Asher (1874-19??), one daughter. Winternitz approved his works, which also included translations from Sanskrit.
Publications: Diss. Des armen Hartmann Rede vom Glouven. 6+224 p. Breslau 1897; hab.diss. Das Märchen in den Göttersagen der Edda. 1899.
– Die Indische Märchen. Halle 1898; “Das indische Märchen”, Preusss. Jahrbücher 99, 1900, 62ff.; “Aufgaben und Wege der Märchenforschung”, Fs. Kuhn 1916, 400-412.
– Das Märchen: Ein Versuch. Lp. 1911, 4th ed. 1958.
– Die Welt des Märchen. 1-2. Düsseldorf 1953.
– Die Götter und Göttersagen der Germanen. 253 p. Munich 1909; Die deutschen Heldensagen. 8+337 p. Munich 1923; and other publications on Old German and Scandinavian literature and religion.
Sources: I. Glier, N.D.B. 14, 1985, 433f.; works in Winternitz 3; Wikipedia with photo.
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