WESTCOTT, George Herbert. Harrow on the Hill, Middlesex 18.4.1862 — Allahabad 16.1.1928. Rev. British Missionary in India. Son of Rev. Brooke Foss Westcott (1825–1901), then Bishop of Durham, and Sarah Whithard. Educated at Marlborough College, studies from 1882 at Peterhouse, Cambridge (B.A. 1885, M.A. 1899). Ordained 1886, after a brief period as chaplain in his old school left for India as a missionary of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in 1889. Worked in Cawnpore (Kanpur), in 1910-28 Bishop of Lucknow. Fellow of Allahabad University 1894. D.D. 1914. Unmarried.

Publications: A New Guide to Cawnpore. 44 p. 1892.

Kabîr and the Kabîr Panth. 7+185 p. Cawnpore 1907.

Sources: Cambridge alumni database (venn.lib.cam.ac.uk); findagrave.com; Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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