LIEBERT, Karl Gösta. Torsby, Göteborgs & Bohus län 11.3.1916 — Sävsjö, Jönköpings län 17.11.1998. Swedish Indologist and Linguist. Son of Karl Julius L. and Hilda Amalia Karlsson (1879–1917), both elementary school teachers. Matriculation 1935 from Gothenburg. Studies at Göteborg Högskola (kand.hum. 1935) and Lund (kand.phil. 1939, lic.phil. 1943). Ph.D. 1949 Gothenburg. In 1949-55 Docent i sanskrit med jämförande indoeuropeisk språkforskning at Lund, acting Professor 1950 and 1955. In 1951-53 acting Professor at Uppsala and 1955-68 at Gothenburg. In 1968-81 ord. Professor of Sanskrit and IE linguistics at Göteborg Universitet. Married 1939 Birgit Hultén (1927–1993). In retirement moved to a small town in Småland, where his sister was living.
Liebert was mainly a linguist and as such rather well appreciated. Much more criticism he has met in his philological (astronomical evidence in the Veda) and iconographical studies. In connection of the latter he also achieved a remarkable private collection. Among his students wereStaffan Holst and Claes Wennerberg.
Publications: Diss. Das Nominalsuffix -ti- im Altindischen. 19+240 p. Lund 1949.
– Über das enklit. Pronomen vah als Subjektkasus im Rigveda. 19 p. L.U.Å. 46. Lund 1950; Zum Gebrauch der w-demonstrativa im ältesten Indoiranischen. 93 p. L.U.Å. 50:9. Lund 1954; Die indo-europäische Personalpronomina und die Laryngaltheorie. 146 p. L.U.Å. 52:7. Lund 1957.
– “Über die Partikeln sú und tú im Vedischen”, Studia Ling. 5, 1951, 53-88;“Analogie und Erweiterung? Zur Flexion der nominalen ā-Stämme im Indoiranischen”, Studia Ling. 14, 1960, 95-113; “Indoiranica”, Or. Suec. 11, 1962, 126-154 & 13, 1964, 136-140; other articles.
– “Ai. nīcaira- statt nīcaiḥ als Gebirgsname”, Or. Suec. 13, 1964, 126-135; “Nochmals nīcaira”, Or. Suec. 16, 1967, 215-219.
– Iconographic dictionary of the Indian religions: Hinduism – Buddhism – Jainism. 20+377 p. Ld. 1976, 2nd ed. 1986.
Sources: Bio-bibliogr. Acta Iran. 20, 1979, 340f.; Lunds Univ. Matr. 1959-1960; Vem är det 1995; F. Josephson (ed.), Categorisation and Interpretation. Indological and comparative studies from an international Indological meeting at the Department of Comparative Philology, Göteborg University. A volume dedicated to the memory of Gösta Liebert. Meijerbergs arkiv 24. Göteborg 1999 (with photo and brief account); briefly in German and Swedish Wikipedia; oral information from F. Josephson.
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