LIEBRECHT, Felix. Namslau, Preussisch-Schlesien (now Namysłów, Poland) 13.3.1812 — St.Hubert, Belgian Luxembourg 3.8.1890. German Scholar of Classical Philology and Narrative Literature in Belgium. Professor in Liège. Son of Itzig Fischel L. (d. c. 1826) and Ernestine Pappenheim. Studies at Breslau, Munich and Berlin, then private scholar. From 1849 Professor of German at Collège communal, then at Athénée royal in Liège. Retired 1867 and worked as private scholar in Liège. In 1860 he definitely showed the Buddhist origin of the medieval legend of Barlaam and Joasaph. Married Zirel Bloch. 

Publications: Translated: Des heiligen Johannes von Damascus Barlaam und Josaphat. 26+304 p. Münster 1847 (the Greek version).

– “Die Quellen des Barlaam und Josaphat”, Jahrbuch für romanische und englische Litteratur 2:3, 314–334.

Editions and studies of Medieval literature and of folklore, etc., many collected in Zur Volkskunde: Alte und neue Aufsätze. 16+522 p. Heilbronn 1879 (including “Aus Nordindien”, 98-103 from Germania 12, 1867?, 182ff.; “Zu den Avadânas”, 109–121 from Orient & Occident 1, 1872, 129-136).

Sources: *A. Chauvin, Z. Ver. für Volkskunde 12, 1902, 249-264 with bibliography; E. Schröder, A.D.B. 51, 1906; not in N.D.B.;; briefly Wikipedia.

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