LINDNER, Martin Traugott Bruno. Leipzig 25.10.1853 — Dresden 20.5.1930. German Indologist. Professor in Leipzig. Son of the notorious Wilhelm Bruno Lindner (1814–1876) and Benedicta Engel. The father was Professor of Theology at Leipzig, but lost his position and was sentenced to prison in 1860 for 6 years because of repeated thefts of manuscript miniatures from the university library.The son grew up in Leipzig and studied atLeipzig, Tübingen and Jena, under Windisch, Roth, Leskien, Hübschmann andCappeller. He became Ph.D., but no one seems to know where (Leipzig?) and when. From 1878 PD, from 1887 ao. Professor für Arische Sprachen und Religionsgeschichte at Leipzig. Emeritus 1919.

Beside Indology Lindner also taught Iranian andcomparative religion, although still from a rather theological viewpoint, seeing Christianity as the highest religion. He had early problems with his eyes and eventually became blind. He seems to have published nothing after 1893.

Publications: Habil.diss. Die Dîkṣâ oder die Weihe für das Somaopfer. 48 p. Lp. 1878.

Altindische Nominalbildung, nach den Saṁhitās dargestellt. 167 p. Jena 1878.

Edited: Kauṣītakibrāhmaṇa. Jena 1887,

– “Ueber eine Hs. des ersten Buchs der Maitrâyaṇî-Saṁhitâ”, ZDMG 39, 1885, 103; “Das indische Erndteopfer”, Festgruss Böhtlingk 1888, 79-81.

– “Grundzüge der allgemeinen Religionswissenschaft auf geschichtlichen Grundlage”, Handbuch der theologischen Wissenschaften Suppl.Band 2/B, 1890, 197-443.

Sources: K. Rudolph, “Leipzig und Religionswissenschaft”, Numen 9, 1962, 53-68 (esp. 55f.); Stache-Weiske 2017, 541; D.L.K. 12, 1890 & 22, 1900 & 36, 1914; Professorenkatalog der Universität Leipzig in research.uni-leipzig.dewith photo; not in N.D.B.; German Wikipedia on Br.L. and his father.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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