LÖBBECKE, Otto Emil Rudolf. Braunschweig 6.8.1884 — 1946?. German Student of Indology. Son of a banker, in 1893-1903 at Gymnasium in Braunschweig. In 1903 one term of law studies at Marburg, then at Leipzig, where he moved into Philosophical Faculty and started Oriental studies under Windisch, Lindner and Conrady. In 1904-05 at Göttingen (Kielhorn and Andreas), 1905-06 at Berlin (Pischel, Geldner, Sieg, Huth, etc.), and 1906-08 again at Leipzig. Ph.D. 1908 Leipzig (under Windisch). In his dissertation he compared the Brāhmaṇas and the Śrautasūtras as illustrated by the Rigvedic texts. In pp. 18-42 a critical edition of Vināyakabhaṭṭa’s commentary to Kauṣītakibrāhmaṇa was given. Perhaps he returned to the family bank business as its proprietor, Dr. R.L., a Nazi, committed suicide in May 1946. In any case he was living in Braunschweig in D.M.G. member list for 1913.

Publications: Diss. Ueber das Verhältnis von Brāhmaṇas und Śrautasūtren. 60 p. Lp. 1908.

Sources: Lebenslauf in dissertation. Not in N.D.B.; German Wikipedia on Bankhaus Löbbecke.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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