LOHMANN, Johannes

LOHMANN, Johannes Friedrich. Diensthoop, Kr. Verden, Niedersachsen 9.7.1895 — Freiburg i. Br. 3.5.1989. German IE Linguist. Professor in Freiburg. Son of a farmer. Participated in the WW I. Studies of Slavonic and classical philology at Berlin. Ph.D. 1923 Berlin. From 1930 PD at Berlin, from 1938 at Freiburg (also taught at Basel), from 1940 at Rostock and 1943 at Freiburg. From 1949 ord. Professor of Comparative Linguistics (Indogermanistik) at Freiburg i.Br. In 1963 emeritus. He also worked on Fenno-Ugrian and had an additional interest in music theory.

Publications: Diss. Das substantivum collectivum im Slavischen. B. 1923; hab.diss. Genus und Sexus. Eine morphologische Studie zum Ursprung der indogermanischen nominalen Genus-Unterscheidung. 94 p. KZ, Erg.heft 10. Göttingen 1930.

Philosophie und Sprachwissenschaft. 297 p. Berlin 1965.

– Articles.

Sources: Freiburger bibliographisches Taschenbuch. 3. Ausg. 1963; D.G.K. 1954, 1961, 1976, 1983; http://cpr.uni-rostock.de/resolve/id/cpr_person_00002296; German Wikipedia briefly.

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