LUPTON, Walter James Edwin. Clapham, Surrey 30.5.1871 — Oxford 27.11.1955. British Civil Servant in India. Educated at City of London School, studies at London University and New College, Oxford (B.A. 1893). Joined I.C.S. and served in United Provinces in 1895-1920. Later Secretary of the Oxfordshire Division Medical War Committee 1939-47. Married 1900 Sybil Beatrice Fendall Currie (1874–1932), children. Papers in British Library.
Publications: Edited & transl.: “The Raṭṭhapāla Sutta”, JRAS 1894, 769-806 (Majjh.Nik. 82).
Sources:; The India List and India Office List 1905, 551; stray notes in Internet; not in Who Was Who, no further works in N.U.C.
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