MACARTNEY, George. Nanjing 19.1.1867 — Jersey 19.5.1945. British Diplomat in Central Asia. Son of Halliday Macartney (1833-1905, Scottish officer in Chinese service) and a Chinese princess, born in China. From 1877 in London. Studies in France. In 1887 went to India, working as Chinese interpreter. In 1890-1918 he lived in Kashgar, first in a difficult position without official status. From 1908 British consul, 1910-18 consul general. Retiring in 1918 he made an official visit to Tashkent and then came over the Pamirs to India. In retirement lived in Jersey. C.I.E. 1900, K.C.I.E. 1913. Married 1898 Catherina Theodora Borland (1876–1951), one daughter and two sons.

While in Kashgar Macartney collected a number of manuscripts and archaeological object and sent them to Calcutta. Unfortunately they also included the forgeries of Islam Akhun. Together with his wife he welcomed Stein, Le Coq and other Central Asian explorers and their great hospitality was much praised.

Publications: “Eastern Turkestan: the Chinese as rulers over an alien race”, Proc. of the Central Asian Soc. 1909, 23 p.

– His wife published her memoirs: An English Lady in Chinese Turkestan. L. 1931.

Sources: Who Was Who; F.M. Bailey, D.N.B. 1941–1950, 546; *Cl. Skrine & P. Nightingale, Macartney at Kashgar: New Light on British, Chinese and Russian Activities in Sinkiang, 1890-1918. L. 1973; Wikipedia; photo in S. N. Pandita, Aurel Stein in Kashmir. N.D. 2004.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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