BROWNE, Gerald Michael (mentioned both as Gerald M. and G. Michael). Detroit 13.12.1943 — Urbana, Ill. 24.8.2004. U.S. Philologist. Son of Walter Whitney and Marjorie Marie Eckard Browne. A.B. 1965 University of Michigan, A.M. 1966, Ph.D. 1968. Beside Greek and Egyptology also studied Sanskrit. Professor of Classics at University of Illinois, from 2003 emeritus. Died by suicide.
Publications: Much on classical philology and papyrology (incl. diss.), also on Coptic and Nuba.
– “Textual Notes on Vidyākara’s Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa”, IIJ 44, 2001, 21-24.
Sources: *S.M. Bay & M.G. Parca, Bull. of Am. Soc. of Papyrologists 41, 2004, 13-37; brief obituary in; Wikipedia briefly.
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