BRUNNER, Fernand. Lausanne 8.10.1920 — Cortaillod, canton Neuchâtel 1.11.1991. Swiss Philosopher. Professor in Neuchâtel. Studies at Lausanne (licence ès lettres 1942) and after war in Paris (Ph.D. 1951). From 1954 Professor at Neuchâtel, retired in 1986. In 1956-85 also taught at Bern.
Publications: Much on Western and Islamic philosophy, beginning with diss. on Leibniz and diss. II on Ibn Gabirol.
– “L’inférence selon la Vedāntaparibhāṣā”, As.St./É 41, 1987, 92-119.
Sources: *H. Lauener, Dialectica 47, 1993, 85-87; *D. Schulthess, Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie 124, 1992, 1-3; Wikipedia.
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