MACHEK, Václav. Úhlejov, okr. Jičín/Neupaka 8.11.1894 — Brno 26.5.1965. Czechoslovakian Slavic, Vedic and IE Scholar. Professor in Brno. From 1914 studied at Prague Slavic, Baltic, Latin, IE and Sanskrit (under Zubatý). After interruption caused by WW I Ph.D. there 1921. In 1921-24 librarian of Slovakian Library in Paris, also further studies under Meillet, Bloch and Lévi. After returning worked as teacher in Trnava (1924-27), Nové Mesto nád Vahom (1927), Tišhova? (1928-31) and Brno (1931). From 1931 Docent of IE Linguistics at Brno University, from 1936 eo. Professor of Slavic and comparative linguistics, 1945 ord. As a linguist his special interest was etymology.
Publications: Diss. O půduvodu a tvaru latinského ablativu. Prague 1920/21.
– “Ario-slavica”, KZ 64, 1937, 261-266.
– “Name und Herkunft des Gottes Indra”, ArO 12, 1941, 143-154; “Origin of the Aśvins”, ArO 15, 1946, 413-419; “Origin of the gods Rudra and Pūšan”, ArO 22, 1954, 544-562; “Hethitische Wortgleichungen”, Die Sprache 4, 1958, 74-79; “Origin of the God Vishnu”, ArO 28, 1960, 103-126.
– Much about Slavic linguistics, especially Etymologický slovník jazyka českého a slovenského. 627 p. Prague 1956, and many editions (in later editions Slovak words were omitted).
Sources: *A. J. Bluszcz, Lex. gramm. 1996, 596f.; Slovakian Encyclopedia; Biogr. Lex. zur Gesch. der böhm. Länder 2, 535; Wikipedia with photo (more in *Czech version).
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