MALOV, Sergej Efimovič

MALOV, Sergej Efimovič. Kazan 4.1.(16.1.)1880 — Leningrad 6/7.9.1957. Russian Turkologist and Central Asian Scholar. Son of Evfemij Aleksandrovič Malov (1835–1918), Professor of the Theological Academy. Graduated 1904 at Kazan Theological Academy and 1909 at Oriental Faculty, St.Petersburg, in Islamic Languages. Mag. 1916 in Turkish Linguistics, Dr. of Linguistics 1935. Worked in St.Petersburg/Leningrad. He was Director of Kazan University Numismatic Museum, of North-Eastern Archaeological and Ethnographical Institute, of East Tatar Academy, of Oriental Pedagogical Institute (Kazan, 1917-22). In 1909-17 worked at Anthropological and Ethnographical Institute of AN and 1929-34 at Turcological Cabinet and 1934-57 at Linguistic Institute of AN (as head of the Sector of Turkic Languages). From 1939 Corresponding Member of AN SSSR. In 1943-45 Head of Sector of Turkic Languages at Kazakh Pedagogical Institute in Alma Ata, from 1945 distinguished scientific worker in Kazan.

Malov made several expeditions to Chinese Turkestan (1909-11 and 1913-15) and studied ancient and modern Uigur languages.

Publications: At least 170 publications, e.g.:

Ed. with V. V. Radlov: Suvarṇaprabhāsa (Sutra zolotogo bleska). Bibl. Buddh. 17. Petrograd 1917.

Pamjatniki drevnetjurkskoj pis’mennosti. Teksty i issledovanija. 452 p. M.-Lg. 1951; Enisejskaja pis’mennost’ tjurkov. Teksty i perevody. 116 p. M.-Lg. 1952; Pamjatniki drevnetjurkskoj pis’mennosti Mongolii i Kirgizii. 111 p. M.-Lg. 1959.

Lobnorskij jazyk. Teksty, perevod, slovar’. 200 p. Frunze 1956; Jazyk želtyh ujgurov. Slovar’ i grammatika. 196 p. Alma Ata 1957; Ujgurskie narečija Sin’czjana. Teksty, perevody, slovar’. 183 p. M. 1961; Jazyk želtyh ujgurov. Teksty i perevody. 220 p. M. 1967.

Numerous articles on Turcology and ancient Uigur.

Sources: *A.N. Kononov, Biobibl. slovar’ otečestvennyh tjurkologov; Miliband 1977; Wikipedia; *Russian Vikipedija with photo and further references to Russian sources.

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