MANDELSLO, Johann Albrecht von (Johan Albert von M.). Schönberg, Mecklenburg 15.5.1616 — Paris 16.5.1644. German Traveller in India. Son of Hermann Clamor von Mandelslo (1573–1648), an administrator, and Anna Pflug. Started 1636 his travels together with his friend Adam Olearius (1599–1671) in Holstenian embassy to Persia, on his own he proceeded in 1638 from Isfahan to India. From Surat he went to Ahmedabad, Cambay and Agra, then with a Dutch merchant to Lahore and back to Surat. After visiting Bijapur sailed in an English ship from Surat via Ceylon, Madagascar and Cape to England and finally arrived at Gottorp in May 1640. He has been characterized as intelligent and keen observer, who described well especially Surat and Gujarat, customs and religions (especially Islam).
Publications: Des HochEdelgebornen Johan Albrechts von Mandelslo Morgenländische Reyse-Beschreibung Worinnen zugleich die Gelegenheit und heutiger Zustand etlicher fürnehmen Indianischen Länder, Provincien, Städte und Insulen sampt derer Einwohner Leben, Sitten, Glauben und Handthierung: wie auch die Beschaffenheit der Seefahrt über das Ozeanische Meer. Ed. by A. Olearius. Schleswig 1658 (the first version appeared as an appendix to Olearius’ own travels in 1647; English by J. Davies: Voyages and Travels into the East Indies. 1. L. 1669.
Sources: Oaten 1909, 176ff.; F. Ratzel, A.D.B. 20. 1884, 173; Wikipedia with portrait briefly, little more in German version.
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