MARKHAM, Clements Robert. Stillingfleet, Yorkshire 20.7.1830 — London 30.1.1916. Sir. British Traveller and Geographer. Son of Rev. David Frederick Markham (1800–1853) and Catherine Milner. “Educated at Cheam and Westminster, entered the Navy in 1844. Served in the Arctic expedition, 1850-1, retired from the Navy, 1852. Travelled in Peru, 1852-5, introduced cinchona trees from Peru into British India, 1859-62. Geographer to the Abyssinian expedition.” Secretary to the Royal Geogr. Society, 1863–88, its President in 1893–1905. Secretary to the Hakluyt Society, 1858-87, its President in 1889–1909. Assistant Secretary in the India Office, 1867-77. In 1877 he retired from public life. Died in an accident. Among other things he strongly prompted Antarctic expeditions. Married 1857 Minna Chichester (1838–1920), one daughter.
Publications: Travels in Peru and India. 18+572 p. L. 1862; History of the Abyssinian Expedition. 12+484 p. L. 1869; A Memoir of the Indian Surveys. L. 1871, 2nd ed. 29+481 p. L. 1878; General Sketch of the History of Persia. 37+565 p. L. 1874; Major James Rennel and the Rise of Modern English Geography. 232 p. L. 1895.
– Edited early travel accounts for Hakluyt Society, e.g. Narratives of Bogle’s Mission to Tibet and Manning’s Journey to Lhasa. 161+354 p. L. 1876
– Books on South American Indians and on European history, biographies; edited and translated travel books.
Sources: *E. Baigent, Oxford D.N.B.; Buckland, Dictionary.; H.R.M. in D.N.B. 1912–1921, 367f.; *A. H. Markham, The Life of Sir Cl.R.M. L. 1917; A.P. Maudslay, Man 16, 1916, 49; Wikipedia, long article with six pictures and further references.
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