MARTIN, Robert Montgomery. Dublin 1801? (or 1803) — Sutton, Surrey 6.9.1868. British (Anglo-Irish) Physician, Botanist, Statistician and Historian in India and Asia. Born in a Protestant family in Ireland, son of John Martin and Mary Hawkins. Studied medicine. He came to Ceylon about 1820 and travelled around Indian Ocean as assistant surgeon, botanist, and naturalist (South Africa and Madagascar), in 1828-30 in India. Back in England he became Member of the Court of Directors of the E.I.C. and in 1840 witness before a Commission on the East Indian trade. Treasurer of Hong Kong, resigned. In 1851 on a mission to Jamaica. From 1866 one of the first members of the East India Association. Married twice, 1826 Jane Avis Francis Keith (1812–1882, dissolved 1847) and Eliza Barron (later Phillips, 1823–1916).
Publications: The political, commercial and financial conditions of the Anglo-Eastern Empire in 1832. 403 p. L. 1833; The History of the British Colonies. 1-5. L. 1834; The Marquis of Wellesley’s Despatches. L. 1836; The Monetary System of British India. 1841; The Indian Empire. 1-3. L. 1857; The Rise and Progress of the Indian Mutiny. L. 1859; further works.
– The history, antiquities, topography, and statistics of eastern India. 1-3. L. 1838.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; C.A.H[arris], D.N.B. 36, 1893, 293;Wikipedia.
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