MASSON, Mihail Evgen’evič. St.Petersburg 21.11.(3.12.)1897 — Tashkent 2.11.1986. Russian Central Asian Archaeologist and Historian. Born in a family of remote French origin, son of Evgenij Ljudvigovič Masson and Antonina Nikolaevna Šlakovskaja. He spent his childhood in Samarkand, where his father worked as topographical engineer, and himself studied engineering. Dr. of Archaeology 1936. In 1918-36 worked in various institutes, often as Head, in Samarkand and Taškent, in 1932-42 Head of Archaeological Section of Uzbek Academy. Taught Archaeology at Taškent University from 1938, Professor’s title 1949. From 1945 Head of JuTAKÈ. Worked in Leningrad, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. From 1951 member of Turkmenistan Academy. He was married with Ksenija Ivanovna (suicide), then with Galina Pugačenkova (1915–2007), and father of Vadim Mihailovič Masson, both his colleagues. Among his students were E. Rtveladze and V. I. Sarianidi.
Publications: At least 300 publications, e.g.
– Mavzolej Gur-Èmir – usypal’nica Timuridov. 31 p. Taškent 1926; Registan i ego medrese. Taškent 1926, 2nd ed. 1929, Uzbek transl.; Observatorija Ulukbega. 48 p. Taškent 1941.
– Iz istorii gornoj promyšlennosti Tadžikistana. Bylaja razrabotka prozlenyh iskopaemyh. 108 p. Materialy Tadž.-Pamirskoj èksped. 20. Lg. 1934.
– “Gorodišča starogo Termeza i ih izučenie”, Trudy Uzb. FAN SSSR S. 1, 1940:2, 5-122.
– “Gorodišča Nisy v selenii Batir i ih izučenie”, Trudy JuTAKÈ 1. Ašhabad 1949, 16-115.
– With G. Pugačenkova: Bumbez Manasa. 143 p. M. 1950.
– Ahangeran. Arheologo-topografičeskij očerk. 144 p. Taškent 1953.
– K istorii gornogo dela na territorii Uzbekistana. 74 p. Taškent 1953; “Narody i oblasti Južnoj časti Turkmenistana v sostave Parfjanskogo gosudarstva”, Trudy JuTAKÈ 5, 1955, 7-70.
– “Šabrisjabz pri Timure i Ulugbeke”, Trudy SAGU 61, Gum. 6. Taškent 1953, 17-97.
– Srednevekovye torgovye puti iz Merva v Horezm i v Maverannahr. 298 p. Trudy JuTAKÈ 8. Ašhabad 1966.
– Stoličnye goroda v oblasti nizob’ev Kaškadar’i s drevnojših vremen. 97 p. Taškent 1973.
– Numerous articles on the archaeology and history of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
Sources: Miliband 1977; P. Bernard, Studia Iran. 17, 1988, 243-245 with photo; Wikipedia (more in *Russian version with two photos).
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