MAYNE, John Dawson. Dublin 31.12.1828 — Berkshire 1917. British (Irish) Lawyer in India. Son of John Mayne, Barrister-at-law in Dublin who died in 1828 before his birth, and Anna née Graves. “Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, called to the bar, 1854. Practised at the English bar, 1854-56, at the Madras bar, 1857-72, and at the Privy Council, 1873-1903. Professor of Law at Presidency College, Madras. Clerk of the Crown, High Court, Madras. Acting Advocate-General of Madras. Professor of Common Law to the Inns of Court, 1880-85.” Many of his books were still reprinted in the 1950s. Twice married, with Helen Sarah Hamilton (divorce 1872) and Annie Craigie-Halkett (1833–1917), no children.
Publications: “On native Law as administered in the courts of the Madras Presidency”, MJLS 3:1, 1864, 1-36.
– Commentaries on the Indian Penal Code. Madras 1872 and many editions (14th 35+682 p. Madras 1890); A Treatise on Hindu Law and Usage. 40+607 p. Madras 1878 and many editions; Criminal Law of India. 3rd ed. 1119 p. Madras 1904; etc.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia with photo.
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