MEADER, Clarence L.

MEADER, Clarence Linton. Battle Creek, Mich. 12.8.1868 — Garden Grove, CA 1.7.1967. U.S. Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Son of John Murray Meader and Maria A. Fredericks. Studies at University of Michigan: A.B. 1891, Ph.D. 1902. Further studies at American School in Athens in 1892, at Bonn in 1893, at Munich in 1898-99, and at American School in Rome in 1899. In 1893-1904 Instructor in Latin at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. From 1904 Professor of Latin, Sanskrit and General Linguistics, ibid. Retired in 1938. Also a scholar of Russian, after 1909 only taught Russian and general linguistics. He remained active until the very end, giving lectures at the age of 95. From 1894 married with Virginia Davis Farmer (1864–1917), 1926 for the second time with Xenia Ethel Burt (1881–1963), three daughters and one son with the first.

Publications: Diss. A semasiological study of the pronouns hic and iste. Manuscript 1901, publ. as a part of his The Latin Pronouns is, hic, iste, ipse: A semasiological study. 16+222 p. N.Y. & L. 1901; “The Development of Copulative Verbs in the Indo-European Languages”, TAPA 43, 1912, 173-200.

The Present Education Situation in Russia. Chicago 1909; translated with F. N. Scott: Plays by Leonid Andreyeff. 246 p. N.Y. 1915.

With W. B. Pillsbury: The Psychology of Language. 8+306 p. N.Y. & L. 1929; with J. H. Muyskens: Handbook of Biolinguistics. Toledo 1950, rev. ed. 1-2. 1962.

Sources: W.W. Briggs Jr. in Briggs (ed.), Biogr. Dict. of North Am. Class. 1992, 402; *E.P. Hamp, Lex. gramm. 1996, 619; Who Was Who in America 8;

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