MEUNIER, François

MEUNIER, Louis-François. Paris 8.11.1824 — 11.3.1874. French IE Linguist. Born in a modest artisan family. Studied in Paris classical philology, also Indology under Burnouf. Ph.D. 1857 Paris (in classical and French philology). Worked as a tutor in France and in 1860-62 in Spain (in French Imperial family). In 1862 he fell from a horse and was seriously invalided, but with the help of his sister he could work and started now again his studies under Bréal and Bergaigne (and also Romance linguistics). As a scholar he was mainly an etymologist who developed the ideas of Bopp, Burnouf and Regnier. For his etymological studies he derived much material from Sanskrit. As classical philologist he was interested in Aristotle and Homer. Published very little.

Publications: Diss. I. De Homeri Vita quae sub Herodoti nomine circumfertur … Herodoto abjudicanda. 50 p. P. 1857; diss. II. Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de Nicole Oresme. 205 p. P. 1857.

“De quelques anomalies que présent la déclinaison de certains pronoms latins”, MSL 1, 1868, 14-62; “Essai sur les composés syntactique en grec”, Annuaire de l’Association pour l’encouragement des études grecques 6, 1872, 245-448; brief articles and reviews on classical philology and comparative linguistics in BSL, MSL, and Revue critique.

Assisted Bréal in translation of Bopp’s comparative grammar, prepared its indices.

Sources: E. Egger, BSL 2, 1872-75, xcviii-ci (with bibliography) and Bréal ibid. ciif.

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