HOENIGSWALD, Henry Max (born Heinrich Max Franz Hönigswald). Breslau 17.4.1915 — Haverford PA 16.6.2003. U.S. (German-born) Linguist (IE and Hindi). Professor in Philadelphia. Studied comparative linguistics at Munich, Zürich, Padua, and Florence. He was forced to leave German because of his Jewish grandparents. Ph.D. 1936 Florence. In 1936-38 at Institute of Etruscan Research in Florence, then to the U.S.A. In 1939-42 Lecturer in Linguistics at Yale, 1942-43 Lecturer in Phonetics and Linguistics at Hartford Semin. Foundation, 1945-46 again Instructor there. In 1943-44 taught Hindi for the army at University of Pennsylvania. In 1945-46 Research Assistant in Linguistics at Yale, in 1946-47 staff member at Foreign Service Instit., U.S. Department of State. In 1947-48 Associate Professor of Classical Languages. In 1948-59 Associate Professor of Linguistics at University of Pennsylvania, in 1959-85 full Professor and 1963-70 Chairman of department of Linguistics there. Emeritus in 1985. Visiting Professor in several American and European universities, in 1955 at Deccan College in Poona.  Married 1944 Gabriele Schoepflich, two daughters.
Publications: Spoken Hindustani. 169+70 p. N.Y. 1945/1946-47.
Language Change and Linguistic Reconstruction. 1-2. 8+168+??? p. Chicago 1960-64; Studies in Formal historical Linguistics. 12+63 p. Boston 1973.
– Articles on linguistics, in the 1940s also on Hindi, later on Sanskrit and the Rigveda, in JAOS, IL, Language, etc.
Sources: Dir. Am. Sch. 8th ed. 3; D.G.K. 1983, 1992; *G. Cardona & N. H. Zide (ed.): Festschrift for Henry Hoenigswald on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. Tübingen 1987; *A. Morpurgo Davies, Language 84, 2008, 856-873; Wikipedia; photo in Fs. 1987, another in Linguisten-Handbuch. Tübingen 1994, both also in TITUS Galeria

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