JOHNSON, Edwin Lee

JOHNSON, Edwin Lee. Mount Vernon, Ill. 25.10.1874 — 1947.  U.S. Linguist. Son of Adam Clarke Johnson and Margaret Ann Sweeney. High School in Oxford, Miss. Studied at Mississippi University (A.B. 1894) and Vanderbilt University (A.M. 1900). Ph.D. 1910 Vanderbilt. Taught Latin and Greek at Quitman College, Ark. in 1896-98, Instructor at Alexander Institute, Jacksonville, Tex. 1902-04 and 1905-09. From 1909 Fellow and Assistant in Greek at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, then Professor of Latin and Greek there (1935). Married.
Publications: Index Verborum to the Old Persian Inscriptions. 51 p. 1910 (with separate Cuneiform Supplement. 122 p. Vanderbilt Oriental Series 7. 1910).
Historical Grammar of the Ancient Persian Language. 251 p. Vanderbilt Oriental Series 8. N.Y. 1917.
Latin words of common English. 327 p. 1931; articles.

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