KILLINGLEY, Siew-Yue (née Leong Siew-Yue). Kuala Lumpur 17.12.1940 — 8.6.2004. Malaysian Chinese Linguist and Author in the U.K. Born in a Cantonese speaking family. M.A. University of Malaya, then teacher of English. Married in 1935 with Indologist Dermot Hastings Killingley (b. 1935), moved to U.K. in 1968. Ph.D. S.O.A.S. From 1970 in Newcastle upon Tyne, in 1972-80 Lecturer, later Senior Lecturer in Linguistics at St. Mary’s College, Fenham, then at University of Newcastle teaching linguistics and Chinese. They had one daughter.
Publications: With D. H. Killingley: Handbook of Hinduism for Teachers. 143 p. 1984: Sanskrit. Munich 1995; Beginning Sanskrit. A practical course based on graded reading and exercises. 1. Munich 1996.
– Poetry, short stories, own and adapted dramas.

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