MITSCHERLICH, Eilhard. Neuende, Herrschaft Jever 7.1.1794 — Schöneberg near Berlin 28.2.1863. German Chemist and Mineralogist, originally interested in Persian and Sanskrit. Professor of Chemistry in Berlin. Born in North-West Germany in an area then (1793-1807) under Russian rule as the son of Rev. Carl Gustav M. (1762–1826) and Marie Elisabeth Eden (1766–1812). After gymnasium in Jever he studied from 1811 Oriental languages at Heidelberg and two years later in Paris where he concentrated on Persian and then also on Sanskrit. In order to be able to visit Asia as a ship’s doctor started medical studies at Göttingen in 1817 and now also chemistry. Completed his Ph.D. in Persian, but continued then medical studies 1818 at Berlin where he soon started to work in the private laboratory of the chemist H. F. Link and soon made important inventions. In 1819-21 further studies of chemistry under Berzelius in Stockholm. From 1822 ao. and from 1825 ord. Professor of Chemistry at Berlin. Married with Laura Meier (1803-81), four sons and two daughters.
Publications: Diss. Mirchondi historia Thaheridarum historicis nostris hucusque incognitorum Persiae principum. 44 p. Gottingae 1814.
– Many important works on chemistry.
Sources: **A. Ladenburg, A.D.B. 22, 1885, 15-22; H.-W. Schütt, N.D.B. 17, 568-570; Wikipedia with portrait (another, further details and references in German version).
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