M’KECHNIE, J. F. (Bhikkhu Silacara)

M’KECHNIE, J. F. (Bhikkhu Silacara). Hull, Yorkshire 22.10.1872 — Chichester, West Sussex 27.1.1951. British (Scottish) Bauddha. Son of Scottish-English parents whom he lost early and grew in a family of relations. He had to work early and attend an evening school in Glasgow. He read much. In the middle of suicidal thoughts he is said to have found Buddhism. With the help of an unexpected inheritance he went to Burma, studied Pāli and became the third Britishman ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1906, remained in Burma until 1925. After severe illnesses he had then (1925) to give up his monkhood, but continued as Buddhist. Died in England.

Publications: Translated: Majjhima-Nikaya. First fifty Discourses. 1-2. Breslau & Lp. 1912-23; The Dhammapada; or, Way of Truth. 51 p. L. 1915; The Fruit of Homelessness: The Sāmaññaphala Sutta. 26 p. L. 1917.

Pancha Sīla: The Five Precepts. 64+36 p. Burma 1911; The Noble Eightfold Path. 171 p. Adyar 1915; The Four Noble Truths. 56 p. Adyar 1922; Young People’s Life of the Buddha. Colombo 1927; other works.

Translated Dahlke’s and Grimm’s books from German.

Sources: Peiris, Buddhism 62f.; Payer’s Web-Materialien; Wikipedia (as Sīlācāra) with photo.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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