MODE, Heinz Adolf. Berlin 15.8.1913 — Halle 6.6.1992. German (East) Indologist and Art Historian. Professor in Halle. Son of pharmacist Hugo Mode and Erna Kassel. Gymnasium in 1919-31 in Berlin, then studies of art history, archaeology, ethnology, prehistory and Indology at Berlin. As Jew forced to emigrate. From 1933 studies at Colombo College in Ceylon, in 1934 at Visvabharati. After a brief while in Berlin continued his studies at Basel from 1935 and in 1937 again visited Ceylon. Ph.D. 1939 Basel. In 1939-40 worked on habilitation at Basel, in 1941-45 interned in Switzerland. Member of German Communist Party. Back in Germany he worked in 1945-48 as journalist and political agent in Munich. From 1948 Professor of Oriental Archaeology, in 1952-59 also Director of Archäologisches Seminar, Abt. Frühgeschichte des Orients at Institut für Altertumswissenschaft and University Archaeological Museum, University of Halle. Several visits to India, in 1960-61 two years. In 1966 founded the Buddhist Centre of GDR in Halle. Retired 1978. Married Charlotte Wendt, father of the art historian Markus Mode (b. 1954).
During the GDR years Mode kept traditional Indology (with Sanskrit and Pāli) alive at Halle, but also developed it to include material culture and ethnology. However, he also worked for Stasi. Among his students were B. Brentjes and H. Plaeschke.
Publications: Diss. Die Skulptur Ceylons. Manuscript 1939, publ. 89 p. Basel 1942.
– Habil.diss. Indische Frühkulturen und ihre Beziehungen zum Westen. 16+181 p. 78 fig. 8 pl. Basel 1944; rev. English version The Harappa Culture and the West. Calcutta Skr. Coll. Res. Ser. 16. 1961.
– Das frühe Indien. 267 p. 96+2 pl. Grosse Kulturen der Frühzeit. St. 1959, 2nd ed. 1963; Italian tr. L’antica India. 1960.
– Die buddhistische Plastik Ceylons. 146 p. 175 ill. on pl. Der indische Kunstkreis. Lp. 1963; Ceylon. Land und Leute. 58 p. Lp. 1963.
– Bratakathas. Bengalische Erzählungen. Aufgezeichnet von Arun Ray, übertragen von H.M. 111 p. Lp. 1964; Bengalische Märchen. Hrsg. von A. Ray & H.M., übertr. von H.M. 506 p. Lp. 1967.
– With S. Wölffling: Zigeuner. Der Weg eines Volkes in Deutschland. 212 p. Lp. 1968.
– Die Frau in der indischen Kunst. 54 p. 115 pl. Lp. 1970, English tr. 1970.
– Fabeltiere und Dämonen in der Kunst. 279 p. ill. Lp. 1973, English tr. 1975.
– With R. Hockmann & S. Mahn: Miniaturen, Volks- und Gegenwartkunst Indiens. 367 p. ill. Lp. 1975.
– Rabindranath Tagore. Auf den Spuren des Dichters und Denkers in Indien und Bangladesh. 172 p. B. 1976.
– Kunst in Süd- und Südostasien. 374 p. ill. Dresden 1979.
– Edited, with others: Zigeunermärchen aus aller Welt. 557 p. Lp. 1983.
– Indische Volkskunst. 312 p. ill. Lp. 1984, English tr. 1985.
– WithKl. G. Beyer: Mathura. Metropole altindischer Steinskulptur. 98 p. 58 pl. Lp. & Weimar 1986 (also as Altindishe Skulpturen aus Mathura).
– A number of political, scholarly, etc. articles in Die Nation, WZHalle, Buddhist Yearly, Catuskone (in bengali), etc.
Sources: Bibliography and photo of a portrait in WZHalle 22:3, 1973, 117-119 (Mode vol.); biodata and monographs also listed in a brochure published for his 75th birthday; German Wikipedia; photo in Indology in G.D.R. 1978, another in TITUS Galeria, a third in a brochure publ. on account of his 75th birthday; still another photo in Wissenschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Halle und Indien. Martin-Luther Univ. Halle-Witth. wiss. Beitr. 44. Halle 1987; German Wikipedia.
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