MOOR, Edward

MOOR, Edward. 1771 — Westminster 26.2.1848. British Colonial Officer and Oriental Scholar in India. Major. Left for India as young cadet in 1782, arrived at Madras 1783. “Served with the Mahratta Army against Tippoo, 1790-1, at Dharwar, Doridrug, Gadjnur; wrote, in 1794, an account of the operations. Officiated as Quarter-Master-General; garrison storekeeper, i.e. Commissary-General, at Bombay, 1799-1805. Retired in 1805.” In England, settled in Bealings, Suffolk. Member of A.S.B. from 1796, later also of several other scholarly societies (F.R.S. 1806). Married 1794 Elizabeth Lynn (d. 1835), at least one son and one daughter.

His illustrated Pantheon was a much used early reference work about Hinduism, although later forgotten.

Publications: Narrative of the operations of Capt. Little’s Detachment and of the Maratha Army commanded by Purseram Bhow (against Tipoo Sultan). 15+524 p. L. 1794.

– “Account of an hereditary living Deity, to whom devotion is paid by the Bramins of Poona and its neighbourhood”, As. Res. 7, 1801, 8o ed. 1803, 381-395..

Hindu Pantheon. 14+467 p. 105 pl. L. 1810, rev. ed. Madras 1864.

– Hindu Infanticide. 312 p. L. 1811; Oriental Fragments. 8+537 p. L. 1834.

– A few unrelevant works.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *M. Ramana, E.M. 95 p. Mumbai 2014; T.S[eccombe], D.N.B. 38, 1894, 334f.; JRAS 9, 1848, Proc. ivf.; Wikipedia; portrait (1810) in

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