MORISON, James. 1852 — 1935. British Indologist. Studies at Oxford (under Macdonell) and Vienna. Ph.D. 1893 Vienna (apparently under Bühler). From 1914 Librarian of Indian Institute at Oxford, also teaching. Apparently he had served in India as IA 24, 1895 contains his translation of A. Barth’s article. Married.
Publications: Diss. Der elfte sarga aus dem Pṛthvīrāja mit ‘Some Account of the genealogies’ in demselben. Manuscript, Vienna 1893, partly publ. in WZKM 7, 1893, 188-192.
Sources: Diss. in Janert; years and portrait in A new Internet search in 2024 brought a number of references to the same damaged portrait, but nothing else.
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