MUCH, Hans

MUCH, Hans. Zechlin/Neuruppin, Brandenburg 24.3.1880 — Hamburg 28.11.1932. German Bauddha. Son of Rev. Karl Much (1847–1925) and Martha Lindner. Studies of medicine at Marburg, Kiel, Berlin and Würzburg, 1903 Würzburg in the age of 22. Worked in a hospital in Hamburg (Eppendorf Hospital) and conducted succesful research, later as Professor of Medicine at Hamburg University working in the same hospital (1919 ao., 1921 ord.). Specially interested in tuberculosis bacteria. In 1913–14 field work in the Near East and Egypt, interned there at the outbreak of war. Married 1912 Marie Lenhartz, one daughter.

Much was an esteemed specialist of tuberculosis with a large practice when he, in 1915, read Grimm’s book on Buddhism which caused a complete turn in his life. From 1919 collaborated with Grimm and Seidenstücker in Buddhist work, as contributor and editor of a Buddhist journal. According to Peiris, he gradually abandoned his practice, although attended poor patients without charge. He had early attracted some attention as a poet and now often dealt with Buddhism with literary methods. Also interested in art history and wrote about it.

Publications: Buddha, der Schritt in das Heimatlosigkeit. 102 p. Zürich 1914; Auf dem Wege des Vollendeten. 110 p. Munich 1918; Die Heimkehr des Vollendeten. 59 p. Hamburg 1920; Die Welt des Buddha: ein Hochgesang. 176 p. Dresden 1922.

Das hohe Lied der Wahrheit des Buddha Gautama. 101 p. Hamburg 1920 (German praphrase of the Dhammapada).

Much on medicine, art history, poetry in Low German, etc.

Sources: Peiris, Western Contribution to Buddhism 115-117 with photo; St. Wulf, N.D.B. 18, 1997, 251f.; German Wikipedia with drawing.

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