MÜLLER, Marcus Joseph

MÜLLER, Marcus Joseph. Kempten 3.6.1809 — Munich 28.3.1874. German Oriental (Arabic) Scholar, Pioneer of Pahlavi Philology. Professor in Munich. Son of a gymnasium teacher. Gymnasium in Augsburg. Studies at Munich under O. Frank, then worked as schoolteacher. Further studies in Paris from 1833, where he also learned Pahlavi, copied Anquetil-Duperron’s manuscripts, and published his “Essai” which became the foundation of early Pahlavi philology. From 1840 ao. Professor “für Nichtbiblische Orientalische Literatur” at Munich (succeeding O. Frank),from 1841 member of Bavarian Academy, from 1839 ao. and 1847 ord. Professor of Non-Biblical Oriental Literature at Munich. In 1857-58 travelled in Spain studying Arabic manuscripts. After a paralysis in 1862 continuously ill.

Publications: “Essai sur la langue Pehlvie”, JA 3:7, 1839, 289-346 (on the writing system).

Ueber den Anfang des Bundehesh. ABaAW 3:3, 1843, 613-644.

A monograph on Averroes (1875) and other works in Arabic philology.

Sources: *Babinger; *v. Prantl, SBaAW 1875:1, 253-258; C. Siegfried, A.D.B. 22, 1885, 651f.; German Wikipedia.

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