MUNDY, Peter

MUNDY, Peter. Before 1609 — after 1667. British Trader and Traveller. From Penryn in Cornwall, son of a pilchard trader. In 1609-10 in France. In 1611 he became a cabin boy in a merchantman, gradually arose to higher positions. Visited Constantinople (1617) and Spain (1621 & 1625). Three times in India in E.I.C.’s service in 1628-34, 1636, 1655, also visited China and Japan. In the 1639-48 in Denmark, Prussia and Russia. In India visited Surat, the Mughal court in Agra, Varanasi and Patna. In 1663 retired to Falmouth. His unpublished manuscript was only printed in the beginning of the 20th century.

Publications: The Travels of Peter Mundy. Edited from an unpublished manuscript by R. C. Temple. 1-2. Hakluyt Soc. 2nd series 17. 1907-14; Peter Mundy, Merchant Adventurer. Ed. by R. E. Pritchard. 262 p. Oxford 2011.

Sources: W.P.C[ourtney], D.N.B. 39, 303; Wikipedia.

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