NOORDEN, Carl von

NOORDEN, Carl Friedrich Johannes von. Bonn 11.9.1833 — Leipzig 25.12.1883. German Historian interested in Sanskrit. Born in a wealthy family of Frisian origin, son of Johannes von Norden, a Prussian officer. After gymnasium in Bonn studied law at Bonn, soon also philology, then also at Marburg. As a student of Haug (at Bonn) he wrote as his dissertation a comparison between German and Vedic mythology. Ph.D. 1855 Bonn. Further studies in Paris and from 1856 Berlin, where he became a disciple of Leopold von Ranke and thus turned into historian. From 1863 PD at Bonn, teaching history. From 1868 brief periods Professor of History at Greifswald, Marburg, Tübingen and Bonn and from 1877 until his death at Leipzig. Died after severe illness starting in spring 1882. Married Elizabeth Fanny Lavino (of England), two sons and one daughter.

Publications: Diss. Symbolae ad comparandam mythologiam vedicam cum mythologia Germanica imprimis pertinentes ad pugnam de aestivi cum dracone. Adiectis nonnullis Rigvedae hymnis e libro VIII, IX, X typis nondum impressis ad deum Indram. 86+25 p. Bonn 1855.

A number of historical works, especially Europäische Geschichte im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. 1-3. Lp. 1870-82 (unfinished).

Sources: Diss. in Janert; Max Braubach in Bonner Gelehrte. Geschichtswissenschaften. 150 Jahre Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn. 1968, 162–169; *G. Buchholz, A.D.B. 23, 1886, 768-772; von Giesebrecht, SBaAW 1884, 259-263; *Wikipedia with photo (more in German version, with further references).

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