NYERUP, Rasmus

NYERUP, Rasmus. Syrup, Funen 12.3.1759 — Copenhagen 28.6.1829. Danish Scholar interested in India. Son of Christen Rasmussen, a poor villain, and Karen Simonsdatter. In 1773 came to Odense school, matriculated 1776. Studies of philology and theology at Copenhagen University, M.A. 1784. In 1784-1803 worked in Royal Library, 1796-1829 eo. Professor of Literary History and in 1803-29 Chief Librarian of Copenhagen University. In 1820-25 lectured on Indian literature and mythology. Married 1788 Elisabeth Margrethe Clausen (1759–1818), three daughters and one son.

Publications: “Første Times Forelæsning over Historien af den nordiske Mythologies Studium”, Athene 1817; “De litteraire Bergmænd i Indien indtil Midten af det 18de Aarhundrede, elle udsigt over Europas gradvise Bekjendtskab med Sanskritlitteraturen indtil 1750”, Riises Archiv for Historie og Geographie 7, 1820.

– Transl. with R. Rask: Edda eller Skandinavernes hedeske Gudelære. 10+127 p. Copenhagen 1808.

Much on Danish literature and history.

Sources: Pauly, Køb. Univ. 8, 1992, 519ff.; *H.F. Rørdam, D.B.L. 12, 1898, 341-348; D.B.L. 10, 1982, 580-582; family in ancestors.familysearch.org;  Wikipedia with portrait (much more in Danish version).

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