OGDEN, Charles Jones. 10.12.1880 — 10.12.1955. U.S. Indologist. Son of Herbert J. Ogden and Mary M. Jones. A.B. 1900, A.M. 1903, Ph.D. 1909 Columbia University, New York, in classical philology. Being wealthy he did not enter academic career (and never published much), although he was active in American Oriental Society.
Publications: Diss. De infinitivi finalis vel consecutivi constructione apud priscos poetas Graecos. 65 p. 1909.
– “Lexicographical and Grammatical Notes on the Svapnavāsavadatta of Bhāsa“, JAOS 35, 1915-17, 269-272; “Note on Kathāsaritsāgara“, JAOS 37, 1917, 328.
– With A. V. W. Jackson & G. K. Nariman: Priyadarśika, a Sanskrit Drama by Harsha. Ed., transl. and notes. 242 p. Indo-Iranian Ser. 10. N.Y. 1923.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet.
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