OGLE, Marbury Bladen. Howard Co., MD 23.8.1879 — Minneapolis, MN 25.5.1964. U.S. Classical Scholar also interested in Sanskrit and IE Linguistics. Professor in Vermont, Columbus, and Minneapolis. Son of Richard Lowndes Ogle and Fanny D. Knight. Educated at Johns Hopkins (A.B. 1902, Ph.D. 1907). Studies of classical philology (Kirby and Gildersleeve) and Sanskrit (Bloomfield). In 1907-25 Assistant Professor to Professor of Latin at University of Vermont. In 1925-34 Professor of Classical languages and Head of Department at Ohio State University in Columbus. In 1934-47 same at University of Minnesota in Minneapolis (chair of the new Department). Married 1904 Anetta Ione Fleming, children. Though primarily a Latin scholar he occasionally taught Sanskrit, too, in all his three universities.
Publications: Diss. Folk-Lore and Religious Uses of the Medicinal Herbs in Marcus Porcius Cato’s De Agri Cultura. Manuscript 1907.
– Three books and some articles in AJPh on Latin philology.
Sources: W. F. Wyatt Jr. in Briggs (ed.), Biogr. Dict. of N. Am. Class. 1994, 457f.; M.B. Ogle Jr. (his son) in dbcs.rutgers.edu with photo
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