OLESEN, Peter Elof. Copenhagen 17.8.1877 — 23.9.1939. Danish Indologist. Son of tailor Niels Peter Olesen From 1895 studied at Copenhagen classics, Danish and Sanskrit (under Fausbøll), M.A. 1903. In 1903-25 Assistant of D. Andersen as editor of Sørensen’s Index, then at the C.P.D. in Copenhagen (only now started with Pāli).

Publications: Edited Sørensen’s Mahābhārata Index. 1-12. L. 1904–25 (supervised by D. Andersen).

– Transl. extracts from the Bhagavadgītā in S. Fenger (ed.), Religionshistoriske tekster i dansk oversættelse. Copenhagen 1919, and several editions.

– Participated in the C.P.D. Vol. 1, fasc. 8-10, Cph. 1936-39.

– Classical reviews in Nordisk tidskrift for filologi; participated in Den store dansk Ordbog.

Sources: D. Andersen & H. Smith, C.P.D. 1, p. xxxi; R. Webb, Pāli Buddhist Review 2, 1977, 165f.; C.H. Sthyr & H.F. Øllgaard, Filolog- og Magister-Stat. Copenhagen 1907, 79.

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