OMAN, John Campbell

OMAN, John Campbell. Calcutta 1841 — 31.5.1911. British Indologist and Scholar of Religion in India. Son of the elder John Campbell Oman, a planter, and Maria Eweler. In 1866-77 in Indian Public Works Department. In 1877-97 Professor at Government College in Lahore, then retired. In 1898-99 Principal of Khalsa College in Amritsar. LL.D. Amateur photographer. Married 1866 Ellen Agnes Hodges, one son and one daughter.

Publications: Indian Life, religious and social. 320 p. L. 1889 (mainly on the Pañjāb); Where three creeds meet a tale of modern Indian life. 8+224 p. L. 1898.

Struggles in the Dawn: The Great Indian Epics: the stories of the Ramayana the Mahabharata. 1894, new ed. 10+256 p. 5 pl. L. 1898.

The Mystics, Ascetics, and Saints of India. A Study of Sadhuism, with an account of Yogis, Sanyasis, Bairagis, and other strange Hindu Sectarians. 15+291 p. L. 1903.

The Brahmans, Theists, and Muslims of India. Studies of goddess-worship in Bengal, caste, Brahmaism and social reform, with descriptive sketches of curious festivals, ceremonies, and faquirs. 15+342 p. L. 1907.

The Cults, Customs and Superstitions of India; Comprising Studies and Sketches of Interesting Peculiarities in the Beliefs, Festivals and Domestic Life of the Indian People; also of Witchcraft and Demoniacal Possession, as Known Amongst Them. 13+336 p. L. 1908 (revised edition of his 1889 book).

Sources: Who Was Who 1897–1915;; not in Buckland.

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