ZARUBIN, Ivan Ivanovič. St.Petersburg 27.9.(9.10.)1887 — Leningrad 3.2.1964. Russian Iranian Scholar. Son of a physician. Graduated 1912 from Historical-Philological Faculty, St.Petersburg, and from Juridical Faculty, Harkov. Dr. filol. nauk 1938. From 1910 naučnyj sotrudnik in Department of Central Asian Muslim Peoples, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, from 1918 its Head. Also at Linguistic Institute of Russian Academy, taught at Petrograd/Leningrad University. Professor from 1938. Ethnographical expeditions to Pamir in 1914 (with R. Gauthiot) and 1915-16, to Turkmenistan 1918-19, to Tadzhikistan 1926 & 1927.
Publications: At least 30 items, e.g.
– “Materialy i zametki po ètnografii gornyh tadžikov. Dolina Bartanga”, Sbornik Muz. antr. i ètnogr. 5, 1917, 97-148.
– Veršikskoe narečie kandžutskogo jazyka. Očerk po dialektologii Gindukuša. 90 p. Lg. 1927 (= Zapiski Kollegii Vostokovedov 2:2, 1927, 275-364).
– “K harakteristike mundžanskogo jazyka”, Iran 1, 1927, 111-200; “Očerk razgovornogo jazyka samarkandskih evreev”, Iran 2, 1928, 95-181; “N. Ja. Marr i kandžutskij (buruško-veršikskij) jazyk”, Jazyk i myšlenie 8, 1937, 165-170..
– Beludžsie skazki. 228 p. Trudy Inst. Vost.v. 4. Lg. 1932; id. 2. 135 p. M.–Lg. 1949.
– Bartangskie i rušanskie teksty i slovar’. 96 p. M.–Lg. 1937; Šugnanskie teksty i slovar’. 387 p. M.–Lg. 1960.
Sources: Miliband 1977 & 1995; V. S. Rastorgueva, NAA 1964:4, 273–275 with photo; Wikipedia (more in Russian Vikipedija, with photo).
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