ZETTERSTÉEN, Karl Vilhelm. Orsa, Dalarne 18.8.1866 — Uppsala 1.6.1953. Swedish Oriental Scholar. Professor in Uppsala. Son of Captain Alexander Mauritz Z. and Maria Augusta Thalén. Studied at Uppsala from 1884: FK 1889 (M.A.), FL 1894, FT 1895 (Ph.D.), student of H. N. Almkvist. Further studies under Sachau at Berlin. Docent i semitiska språk, Uppsala 1895 & Lund 1895-1904. Also acting Professor at Lund in 1895-1904. Professor of Oriental Studies (“i semitiska språk”, mainly Arabic) at Uppsala from 1904, emeritus 1931. A well-known scholar of Arabic (also modern Egyptian dialect), Persian and Turkish, also interested in Nuba. Travelled in the Near East and north Africa. Among his many students was H. S. Nyberg.

Publications: Published several text editions, a Swedish translation of the Qur’an (1917) a catalogue of Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts in Uppsala (1930-35), popular books and articles, etc. Editor of the Le Monde Oriental in 1906-28.

– “Report on the Manuscripts left by the late Professor O. F. Tullberg and now in the library of Uppsala University”, MO 2, 1907-08, 66-83 (1-7 Syriac, 66-75; 8-9 Hebrew, 75-77; 10:1-5 & 11:1-13 Sanskrit, 77-83).

Edited: “An old translation of the Ṛtusaṁhāra”, MO 4, 1910, 1-23 (from Tullberg’s papers, probably by H. H. Wilson).

Sources: Fück 1955, 308; *H.S. Nyberg, Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitetsakademiens årsbok 1954, 33-44; Upsala Univ. matr. 1936; Wikipedia with photo (more in Swedish version).

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