BACOT, Jacques. St.-Germain-en-Laye (Indre) 4.7.1877 — Paris 25.6.1965. French Traveller and Tibetologist. Born in a family of cloth merchants, son of Raymond B. and Marie Louise Bapterosses. With father and grandfather, who were experienced travellers, he himself made a journey round the world in 1904. In 1907 he conducted his first journey of exploration, from Tonkin to the upper reaches of the Yangtse, Mekong and Salwen, returned through Burma. Interested now in Lamaismus, he started Oriental studies in Paris in 1908 under Lévi and Pelliot. In 1909 second journey from Yunnan to the springs of the Irrawaddy. He collected manuscripts, works of art, etc., but was forced to turn back by Tibetan authorities. Again in the Himalayas in winter 1913-14 and in 1930-31. In 1914-17 he served as an officer, then in the headquarters of the Siberian expedition. Diplom of É.P.H.É. 1914, from 1919 chargé de cours and from 1936 directeur d’études (Lévi’s successor) there. A.I.B.L. 1947. President of Soc. as. 1946-51.
Bacot was one of the few really competent Tibetan scholars of his time. He was interested in grammar, literature, religion, mysticism, art and theatre. Among his students were M. Lalou and R. Stein.
Publications: Dans les marches tibétaines. 215 p. P. 1909; Le Tibet revolté. Vers Népélmakö, la terre promise des Tibétains. 364 p. 60 ill. 7 maps. P. 1912; Les Mo-so, leurs religions, leur langue et leur écriture. 218 p. 41 pl. P. 1913.
– “L’écriture cursive tibétaine”, JA 10:19, 1912, 5-78.
– L’art tibétain. 99 p. P. 1911; Représentations théâtrales dans les monastères du Tibet. Trois mystères tibétains: Tchrimekundan, Djroazanmo, Nansal. 298 p. P. 1921 (transl.); Engl. transl. L. 1924.
– Un grammaire tibétaine. Les ślokas grammaticaux de Thonmi Sambhota. Ed. & trad. 232 p. A.M.G., B.d’ét. 37. P. 1928; Dictionnaire tibétain-sanscrit par Tse-ring-ouang-gyal. Facs. ed. Buddhica 2:2. P. 1931.
– Grammaire du tibétain littéraire. 1–2. 86+153 p. P. 1946-48, 2nd ed. 1954.
– Le Poète Tibétain Milarépa. 302 p. P. 1925 (The life, transl.); La vie de Marpa, le “traducteur”. Extraits trad. & ed. 115 p. Buddhica 1:7. P. 1937.
– Le Bouddha. 116 p. Mythes et religions. P. 1947; Introduction à l’histoire du Tibet. 138 p. P. 1962.
– Zugiñima. 1. Texte. 11 p. 140 facs. pl. 2. Traduction. 13+95 p. Cahiers de Soc. as. 14. P. 1957 (a drama).
– With F. W. Thomas & Ch. Toussaint: Documents de Touen-houang relatifs à l’histoire du Tibet. 206 p. A.M.G., B.d’ét. 51. P. 1940-46.
Sources: A.-M. Blondeau, D.O.L.F. 37f.; *G. Cœdès, JA 253, 1965, 411-413; *M. Lalou, Annuaire de l’E.P.H.E. IV section 1967-68, 46-54 with full bibliography; R. Lebègue, “Éloge funèbre”, CRAI 1965, 307-312; *S. Thévoz, “L’éveil de Jacques Bacot à la tibétologie. Du drame sacré de Gata aux horizons de Népémakö”, JA 300, 2012, 247-268 (on his travel journals); works in N.U.C.; Wikipedia (more details in French version); photo in JA 261, 1973.
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