BADEN POWELL, Baden Henry (born Baden Henry Powell). Oxford 23.8.1841 — Oxford 2.1.1901. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Rev. Baden Powell 1796–1860, (mathematician, Oxford Professor) and Charlotte Pope (d. 1844). His half-brother was Robert B.-P., the founder of the scout organization. Educated at St.Paul’s School. Served in I.C.S. in the Pañjab 1861-89, mainly in Indian Forest Dept. and for some years as a Judge of Chief Court of the Pañjab. He helped to establish the Lahore University and acted as its Vice-Chancellor. Retired to England in 1889. C.I.E. 1883. M.A. 1894 Oxford. Unmarried. He was an authority on Indian land tenures.

Publications: Handbook of the Economic Products, and of the Manufactures and Arts of the Punjab. 1–2. Roorkee 1868 & Lahore 1872; A Manual of jurisprudence for forest officers, being a treatise on the forest law. 553 p. Calcutta 1882; A Manual of the land revenue systems and land tenures of British India. 787 p. Calcutta 1882; Land Systems of British India. 1-3. Oxford 1892; A short account of the land revenue and its administration in British India. 260 p. Oxford 1894 ; and other works.

The Indian Village Community. 456 p. L. 1896; Origin and Growth of Village Communities in India. 155 p. L. 1899; “The Villages of Goa in early 16th century”, JRAS 1900, 261-291.

– “Notes on the Origin of the ‘Lunar’ and ‘Solar’ Aryan Tribes and on the ‘Rājput’ Clans”, JRAS 1899, 295-328.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; works in N.U.C.; Wikipedia.

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