VANÍČEK, Alois. Prague 21.6.1825 — Prague 9.5.1883. Czech IE Scholar. Son of a teacher. After school in Prague, in 1843-47 studies of law, but soon also Classics at Prague. In the early 1850s, under Curtius and Schleicher, also learned Sanskrit and IE linguistics. Worked as gymnasium professor in various towns, also going on with his studies. From 1882 Professor of Comparative Literature and Sanskrit at Prague, but died soon.

Publications: Fremdwörter im Griechischen und Lateinischen. 82 p. 1872.

Etymologisches Wörterbuch der lateinischen Sprache. 256 p. 1874.

Griechisch-Lateinisch Etymologisches Wörterbuch. 1-2. 1306 p. Lp. 1877.

A Latin school grammar, Czech translations from Greek (Plutarch), poetry.

Sources: *K. Glaser, A.V. Biographische Skizze. Vienna 1885; V. Petrbok, Ö.B.L. 15/68, 2017, 178; Kdo byl kdo – čeští a slovenští orientalisté; (in Czech); works in internet.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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