TAYLER, William

TAYLER, William. 8.4.1808 — St.Leonards 8.3.1892. British Civil Servant in India. Son of officer Archdale Wilson Tayler (1759–1814) and Frances Eliza Hall (1767–1845). In India 1829-67, 1830 Assistant Commissioner in Cuttack, then served in Bengal. From 1855 Commissioner of Patna. He foresaw the 1857 uprising and did his best during it, but met the condemnation of his superiors and was moved to a much lesser position and, as he then published hard criticism, was suspended in 1859. Thus he resigned and returned to the U.K., but remained bitter and openly complained his treatment in several publications. Married 1830 Charlotte Brydges Palmer (1812–1894), at least two sons (both served in India).
Tayler was an amateur artist who “sketched and painted landscapes, scenes from everyday life, and the court, military, and daily dress of Indians from different walks of life”.
Publications: Brief Narrative of Events connected with the Removal of William Tayler from the Commissionership of Patna. Calcutta 1857; Our Crisis, or Three Months of Patna during the Insurrection of 1857. Calcutta 1858; Justice in Excelsis. London 1870; Indian Reform. London 1871; Justice in the Nineteenth Century. 1885.
Thirty-Eight Years in India. From Juganath to the Himalaya Mountains. 1-2. L. 1881-82 (illustrated with a 100 own drawings).
Sources: S.W[heeler), D.N.B. 55, 1898, 400f.; geni.com; Wikipedia with photo.

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