VAUGHAN, John Luther. Leicester St. Martin 6.3.1820 — Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent 2.1.1911. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Rev. Edward Thomas Vaughan (1777–1829) and Agnes Pares (1785–1878), educated at Rugby. Joined Indian Army in 1840, served in Maharajpur. In 1855 in Crimea. In 1857 commanded a Field Force in the Yusafzai expedition, during the 1857 uprising in Oudh. In 1859 on the Rapti, 1863 in Umbeyla campaign and 1868 in Black Mountain expedition. Major-General. K.C.B. 1887. Married Mary Ann Adkins (died?), then Agnes Beresford (1850–1911), two daughters and one son.
Publications: A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Pooshtoo Language. 106 p. Calcutta 1864 (Pashtu).
– My service in the Indian Army and After. 5+304 p. L. 1904.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; (with Shoreditch, Middlesex as birth place, the only source mentioning his first wife); with photo; WikiTree with photo.
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